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Ashlee H
Ashlee H
Oct 12, 2023

Your last line Taz. YES!

I agree. There could be many people you could deeply love but you choose each other!

And yes to true love vs one true love.


Sep 08, 2023

I think we have the capabilities of loving and being in love with multiple people. We love people for different reasons in different stages of life. We continue to grow and the love that fit us 10 years ago may not fit who we are now. I also believe that two people can grow together and remain in love and others it won’t be a forever love. As for true love, I’m not sold on it. I think we get drawn to people and if romance sparks then amazing, however it’s a giant world out there and there’s a lot of people in it so who really knows if what we think is true love is indeed that or is…


Sep 06, 2023

This is such a loaded question and there is no simple answer. I do believe the answer is different for everyone. For some people, they will have multiple true loves throughout their lives that serve the purpose they need to serve for the different stages of life we go though. But for some people, there will only have one true love that provides everything they need for the different stages of life, if that makes sense.... Either way I'm still waiting for mine to make an appearance and sweep me off my feet 😂


Sep 06, 2023

I never knew what true love was until I met Faruk it’s weird how you just know you’ve found your person when everything falls into place from that first meet up:)

Meg Todd
Meg Todd
Sep 06, 2023
Replying to

That’s adorable 🥹 love it


Sep 06, 2023

okay if we’re just talking romantic love. I believe there is only one TRUE love, and when i say that it’s like the connection is so strong that you can’t help but be drawn to eachother. I think you are capable of falling in love with other people. You may never cross paths with your one true love in your lifetime, but i think you truly know when you find your one true love, it feels different and you know it’s a forever kind of love.

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