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Writer's pictureTEAM TANDA

Be Realistic But Optimistic

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

In this video, Taz speaks about some goals she has set for herself that haven’t unfolded on the timeline she was hoping for. This happens and is totally normal! It's crucial for our well being and our growth that we don’t let these roadblocks become the be all and end all.

Setting goals is a constant dance between your realistic self and your visionary self. It’s important that we are able to step back, analyze and recognise this when setting/re-setting goals so that we are able to acknowledge the setback yet still stay motivated to overcome it.

Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and they underestimate what they can do in a decade.

Here is your challenge for this week!

1. Be honest about where you are at RIGHT NOW!

If you dream of making $20,000 a month but are currently earning $500 a month then you need to account for this and take stock of where you are at right now.

2. Come up with a PLAN

The key here is to give yourself multiple timelines. 1 Ideal time-frame, 1 Slow time-frame and then the other in the middle.

3. Check in REGULARLY

Don’t just set a goal, plan once and then never check in on the goal! This cycle needs to be on a loop and you should check in on a regular basis (weekly, monthly or QTRLY). The reason you check in is to monitor your progress and make adjustments when needed!

Comment below with what your goals and time-frames are and what adjustments you might have to make if things don’t go to plan?

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4 comentarios

This reminder is really good I got a lot out of it. When I set my mind on something I am the type of person to want it done then and there I don’t see the realistic side of things and I would like to change that but don’t know a good way to go about it

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Alessia Allfree
Alessia Allfree
16 may 2022
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Aw glad you got a lot out of it Melissa! It’s always great to be optimistic, especially when you know you can get it done!

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Alessia Allfree
Alessia Allfree
16 may 2022

My goal was to move out by July this year. I’m a bit sad that I don’t think I will be able to achieve it, but also sort of proud. I think I’m still tracking well towards it, it’s just that some finances were put back into the business to help grow it, rather than into my personal life and that’s ok!! Hoping to start looking for somewhere by maybe August.. November. But who knows! I could win the lotto tomorrow, or we could get a brand partnership! Manifesting only the best, the universe knows what’s best, I’ll just follow 🥰

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Anuja Sriravi
Anuja Sriravi
17 may 2022
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Ooooo! Manifesting that for youuuu

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